Australasian Drama Studies
Number 40 April 2002
Twentieth Anniversary Edition
Table of Contents
- Issue 040 (Full Issue PDF)
- Historiography and rewriting: Performing on/as East Timorese bodies in Death at Balibo and Diablo! LESLEY DELMENICO
- Reviewing Australia’s first performance: The Recruiting Officer in Sydney 1789 NATHAN GARVEY
- Political manoeuvring behind the scenes: the development of the national theatre idea in Australia during the 1940s DONALD BATCHELOR
- The hard road to stardom: the early career of Essie Jenyns JANETTE GORDON-CLARK
- Young colonists on the Australian stage: adaptations of Paul et Virginie by James Cobb and Marcus Clarke IAN HENDERSON
- A director in rehearsal: Neil Armfield and the Company B production of The Blind Giant is Dancing by Stephen Sewell RUSSELL FEWSTER
WILLIAM PETERSON, The Singapore Trilogy by Robert Yeo
HELENA GREHAN, Postcolonial Plays: An Anthology by Helen Gilbert
PAUL GALLOWAY, Keep Everything You Love by David Brown;
JONATHAN DAWSON, Chopper: The Screenplay by Andrew Dominik
SUSAN LEVER, Top Shelf 1: Reading and Writing the Best in Australian TV Drama by Greg Haddrick; Top Shelf 2: Five Outstanding Television Screenplays by Greg Haddrick
NERIDA NEWBIGIN, Vasari on Theatre by Thomas A. Pallen
DAVID O’DONNELL, Playing Bit Parts in Shakespeare by M. M. Mahood
BRUCE PARR, The Changing Room: Sex, Drag and Theatre by Laurence Senelick
MURRAY BRAMWELL, As Many Lives As A Cat: The University of Adelaide Theatre Guild 1938-1998 by Kerrie Round, and The Pram Factory: The Australian Performing Group Recollected by Tim Robertson