Expressions of interest are invited from scholars and scholar/practitioners for the next issues of the international, peer-reviewed e-journal. We would like to encourage all those interested in the history and practices of popular entertainments to submit a proposal for inclusion in our next two issues. The interests of the journal are diverse and wide-ranging and have included such areas as popular entertainments in the context of a mediatised culture, street performances, music theatre, vaudeville, minstrelsy, professional wrestling and circus performers.
The journal has now been operating for eight years and its contents are indexed and abstracted by the Thomson-Reuters organisation for inclusion in its
Arts and Humanities Citation Index and
Current Contents/Arts and Humanities. The journal is an open access one and can be viewed for further information at:
Expressions of interest should be forwarded as soon as possible to the General Editor, Victor Emeljanow at or the Associate Editor, Gillian Arrighi at The deadline for final paper submissions is
July 7 2017 for the September 2017 issue,
January 12 2018 for the March 2018 issue.